Our Pastor
Pastor B.J. VanAman was born and raised in the small town of Hastings, MI. Both of his parents were Christians and faithfully took him to church. As a boy, Pastor VanAman understood he was a sinner, that the Lord Jesus Christ died for his sins, and he personally received Him as his Savior. As he grew older, he desired to work with his father in their family business. However, the Lord got a hold of his heart on a mission trip to Jamaica in the summer of 2003. That fall God led him to enroll in The Crown College of the Bible in Powell/Knoxville, TN. It was during this time that God not only gave him the desire to preach the Bible but also allowed him to meet his wife, Sarah. They were married on May 20, 2006. God has blessed them with four sons. The Lord has also provided them with diverse ministry opportunities, including outreach, youth, children’s, Christian education, and music. Together, Pastor and Sarah have a passion for ministry and an intense desire to encourage spiritual growth in the lives of those to whom they minister. In addition to the ministries of the church, Pastor VanAman also serves as chaplain for the Pickerington Police Department.
Email Pastor VanAman: b.vanaman@pickeringtonbaptisttemple.org
Our Associate Pastor
Micah Rice was born in Massillon, OH, to Shane and Kathy Rice, missionaries in Peru, South America. He lived in Peru until 2014, and in 2016, his family moved to Sicily, Italy, to help with a church plant. During his senior year, Micah’s family moved back to the USA so his dad could pastor their sending church in Massillon, Ohio. He graduated from Vision Baptist College in 2023 and has served on staff since February 2024.
521 North Center Street, Pickerington, OH 43147